Welcome to Plenty's Unified API
Documentation of the endpoints provided by the API.
Plenty's Unified API offers a comprehensive resource for accessing extensive information about all aspects of the Plenty ecosystem, encompassing both the v2 and v3 decentralized exchanges (DEX) as well as the vote escrow system. This unified API simplifies the process for developers to retrieve specific data related to Plenty's applications, facilitating the creation of a wide range of services and applications on top of the Plenty network.
You can access Plenty's Unified API through api.plenty.network
V2 volatile and stable DEX
Liquidity positions of users
Dollar-based historical analytics
Special routes for integration with aggregators
V3 segmented CFMM
Liquidity positions of users
CFMM Tick data
Dollar-based historical analytics
Special routes for integration with aggregators
Vote Escrow
Locked positions of users
Historical data for voting and user rewards
Historical data for bribes
All pools and tokens contracts associated with Plenty.
System-wide historical analytics
Last updated